Youth Ministry


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School - 10:45AM

LYO leaders

Noah and Teresa Kerkvliet have been LYO leaders since March of 2022 and have been members at Bethlehem since 2012.  Growing up in the community, Noah and Teresa enjoyed their experiences in their respective church youth groups growing up and wanted to develop a similar atmosphere for the kids at Bethlehem.  Being a part of a community of faith in their youth will help kids to be a stronger part of the faith community as adults.  Noah and Teresa strive to be inclusive and foster faith development no matter where a child is at in their faith journey.


Just a reminder that Wednesday, May 1, we will be meeting at Bethlehem for pizza and crafting to help get decorations made for VBS. 
We will meet at 7:00. Please let us know if you can make it by Wednesday morning, so Becky can order the correct amount of pizza. Friends are welcome! 

If you can help out at VBS in any capacity (1 night, all nights, etc.), please sign up using this link: 

On Sunday, May 5, Pastor Sue and Tara have organized a community wide 7th-12th year-end bash from 5:30-7:30 at Bethlehem. There will be a taco bar, yard games, and youth lead scripture.   This invitation was posted around town as well as sent to all the Inwood area youth groups. Everyone is welcome. Parents are also welcome to attend. If you are looking for a way to contribute, please bring a dessert to share!

Let us know if you have any questions!

Noah and Teresa

Plan your visit